Never Stop Learning!
Whether from the comfort of your own home or in the woods and boots-on-the-ground, resources for small woodland owners abound in Oregon. Managing a healthy, resilient woodland, no matter the size, is quite a task–and one with implications not only for today, but for the future. Below is just a sampling of the people, programs, and organizations dedicated to supporting Oregon’s small woodland owners in keeping Oregon’s forests as forests.

Discover the Wealth of Resources Available for Small Woodland Owners
OSU Extension, Forestry & Natural Resources
Lane County Extension
Lane Co. Extension Forester: Lauren Grand (
TreeSchool OnLine
OSU Extension Fire Program
Women Owning Woodlands Network
Master Woodland Manager Program
Know Your Forest: Partnership for Forestry Education
2024-2026 Resources for Family Forest Landowners
Oregon Forest Management Planning: A resource for landowners & foresters
Oregon Forest Resources Institute
Oregon Tree Farm System
Oregon Department of Forestry
locally: Stewardship Foresters are great resources! Find a Forester
statewide: the Committee for Family Forestlands serves as a voice of small woodland owners, advising the Board of Forestry
the Small Forestland Owner Office page has great links to assistance programs and other resources
Oregon Forests Forever (statewide)
Forests Today & Forever (Lane county)
Lane Families for Farms & Forests (Lane county)
Oregonians for Food & Shelter (statewide)
Oregon Women in Timber (statewide with county chapters)