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It's Up to Us to Know the Rules

The 2022 Private Forest Accord and related updates to Oregon's Forest Practice Rules will impact all of us and our woodlands to some degree. Although the Oregon Department of Forestry, the new Small Forest Owner Office, and the Partnership for Forestry Education are all committed to making boots-on-the-ground education and training available, it is still up to us to keep ourselves informed–even if only to be able to ask better questions!

Broken Trunk

Hot off the digital press!


Currently this is only available as a digital download (although you can choose between individual chapters and the complete document. The physical Manual should available in early 2025.


Go to the OFRI Publication Library and download yours today!


Broken Trunk
Knowing and Following
Oregon's Forest Practice Rules

visit the ODF
Small Forestland Owner Office

Resources  on this page and your local Stewardship forester are your best resources for determining how and/or if the new Rules will affect you and your woodland.

Find Your Stewardship Forester

Remember: the new Rules go into effect Jan 1 2024!

ODF Forest Practices Act webpage

not quite an update to the upcomiong revision to the Illustrated Manual, but the next best thing

when it comes to the new stream rules

Broken Trunk

Oregon Department of Forestry

ODF PFA Webpage
note: this is a great place find information

as well as sign up for e-mail updates


Forest Practices Act

Adopted Rule Revisions


OSWA and the PFA


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