As part of the budget process, the Ways & Means Committee is hosting four public hearings during April: in Portland (April 8), Newport (April 14), Roseburg (April 21), and Ontario (April 28). Please consider attending a hearing in your area and speaking about the value OSU Statewide Public Service Programs ("the Statewides") provide in your community--and that such value should be fully funded!

And if you can't attend--write! or call! Let your legislators know how you feel.
OSU Programs--like Extension--are too vital to be underfunded!
Provided at the bottom of this post is information from OSU about the "OSU Statewides" and details of the "ask" being made as part of State budget allocations. Also provided is a document from OSWA, with more detail about the hearings and a sample letter that can be sent to your legislators--or used as a part of your public comment.
Small landowners know how much we rely on Extension Foresters and programs to help us care for our forests. Here's our chance to "pay back" just a little of what we receive!
Contact information for Oregon Senators & Representatives: